english german

That what we see
is our reality,
but not all things are
as we see them -
our perspective
always remains just one possibility.

I would like to take this opportunity
to thank everyone
who gave me much of their valuable,
loaned me their beauty,
and dreamt with me
In August 1999

I'm not concerned with portraying the truth-
I'm looking for beauty
and sense genuineness within.
End of January 2002

For Henriette.
I will write to you whenever I can
In October 2004

The depth of the sea will intoxicate me.
The depth of the sea will set me free.
Beginning of September 2005

Because I always live in the past,
I still sense myself in the present.
If, someday, I was actually able to forget you,
then even my hallow soul would finally recognize,
how much time has been wasted and lost forever.
In December 2005

Every moment has its reality,
that ceases to exist the next moment.
In April 2006

Together we stumble across broken pieces of a buried city.
It is a dark, cold morning.
The dull city awakens ceremoniously beneath us.
The sun lends us her gloomy shadow.
A quiet rain softly accompanies us beyond the past.
Within reach, yet so far.
The burden of time.
We see some children nearby.
They are playing war.
I shot you dead they yell too loud,
while they point their plastic guns at each other.
Their naive happiness frightens me.
I hear, internally, how this mute place laments.
How often do our cities have to lie in ruins,
until we finally comprehend?
Have we also neglected to explain to the children
what these mute stones represent?
Will innocence be lost forever?
Which distant time will be furthest away from today?

Angela Hechtfisch
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